INR Diary tracks your oral anticoagulation therapy

  • Configure a repeating dose scheme
  • Get reminded of your daily dose at a specified time
  • Visualise your INR level over time



Be reminded to take your anticoagulation medicine!

All anticoagulants

Whether you're using Warfarin, Marcoumar, Sintrom, ...

INR graph

Review the fluctuation of your INR level over time.

Export your data

Make a backup for yourself or to keep your therapist posted.

Story behind the app

In September 2014, my 30-year-old wife underwent surgery for a mechanical cardiac valve because hers was wearing out. As a result, she suddenly had to take blood thinners every day. The dose to be taken daily often varies from day to day. It also happens that she doubts whether she has taken the medication. This is of course very dangerous.

Around the same time, I was looking for an interesting case for my first Android app. With my wife as a guinea pig, a first version was created. INR Diary was born!

Today, INR Diary is the best rated INR management app for Android and iOS. It is available in 7 languages: English, German, Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian and Dutch. INR Diary has been downloaded over 4500 times in over 30 countries throughout the world.

In the end of 2020, the app got a complete overhaul and is now also available on iOS.

Peter Mesotten


Sandra Ramaekers

QA / Support

What do people think?

This app is value for your money. Quick and easy to set up. A real help for us, Marcumar patients.

Stephan Winkler Germany

Great app! Clear, easy to use, possibility to individually configure a daily dose, ... Has everything a Marcumar patient needs. Many thanks to the developer, great work! Makes the life of a Marcumar patient a lot easier...

Sebastian H. Germany

The best app you can get for following up your INR. Thank you for the many updates.

Antonio Martino Italy

I own the app for a few weeks now and I've come to the conclusion that it contains exactly what you need as a blood thinner patient.

Arthur Fricker Germany

This app really contains everything you would expect. Nice that you can configure an INR range. Well done!

Erik Venema The Netherlands

Perfect balance between features and complexity, does precisely what it should.

Hans Nygaard Denmark

It's a great app. The landing page is super nice and clean. Perfect for my needs.

Stephanie Duke Canada

Very good app, easy and understandable. Nice notification sound.

Petra Welcker Germany

I've switched to this app after having used a competitor INR app for years. The ability to add doses in bulk is a great help.

Ola Thoresen Norway

Nice app. Easy to manage.

Anneke Ten Kate The Netherlands

The new version of the app works like a charm. Thank you so much for this app!

Deniz İrde Turkey

The first INR app that has it all. INR Diary is easy to use with no bloated functionalities.

Mathias Richter Germany

Privacy policy

INR Diary does not collect, use, save or have access to any of your personal data on your smartphone.

Individual settings relating to the INR Diary app are not personal and are stored only on your device. These settings are not further processed in any way.

INR Diary was designed as an additional aid to follow-up on an anticoagulant program. It does not replace a medical followup at all. INR Diary is not responsible for any medical conditions caused by the usage of this app.

Frequently asked questions


Can I transfer data from the old Android version of the app?

The initial version of INR Diary is no longer maintained. But if you still own a copy of that app, it is possible to transfer all your data to the new version of INR Diary. Perform the following steps:

  1. In the old app, use the Export function from the Settings screen. This results in 2 export files being stored on the filesystem of your Android device: doses-yyyymmdd.inr and inrs-yyyymmdd.inr.
  2. Use Android File Transfer to copy over these files to your PC or laptop. Usually, these files are in the "/sdcard/0/INR Diary" or "/mnt/sdcard/0/INR Diary" folder of your Android phone.
  3. Important! Rename the file extension for both files from .inr to .csv. You should now have 2 files on your local system: doses-yyyymmdd.csv and inrs-yyyymmdd.csv.
  4. Finally, use the Import function in the new app to import the dose export into the doses overview and the INR export into the INR overview.

Please contact us should you run into any problems transferring data.


I cannot freely enter a dose value

The app works with 2 types of dosing: pills based dosing and milligram based dosing. This dosing type depends on the type of medication that was configured the first time you opened the app.

  • Milligram based dosing is used for users of Warfarin and Acenocoumarol (Coumadin, Marevan, Jantoven, Sintrom). With this dosing type, you can enter the exact decimal dose (in mg) that you need, with no upper limit.
  • Pills based dosing is used for Phenprocoumon patients (Marcoumar, Falithrom). Using a dropdown, you can select full, half or quarter pills as a dose, for doses up to 3 pills.

You can change the medication type in the Settings page of the app. If you use a medication that is not in the list, simple select "Other" and choose between milligram based or pills based dosing.


How do I delete a dose?

You can delete a dose either from the doses overview or from the dose scheme by swiping a dose value right to left. Please check out the this instruction video to see a demo.


I have a suggestion for your app

That is awesome! The app has gained so much traction because of all the positive feedback and suggestions from its users. If you have a suggested feature or change request for the app, please use the contact section below to let us know. We usually answer your email within 1-2 business days.

Thanks in advance!


The daily dose reminder arrives late or not at all

If you have configured a daily dose reminder in the app but you don't receive any notification, or you do receive a notification but much later than the configured notification time, please run through the following steps:

  1. Make sure that notifications are enabled in the app. Verify that this is the case in the Settings screen of the app. Also make sure that the notification time is set correctly (e.g. AM vs. PM).
  2. You only get a reminder if a dose is configured for today. So verify that you a dose is indeed present for the day on which you expect to receive a notification.
  3. If that is the case, make sure that your Android or iPhone allows notifications for your app.
    On Android, go to "Settings" and tap "Apps & notifications" of "Apps" and then "Notifications". Look for the "INR Diary" app and make sure that the slider next to the app is on.
    On iOS, go to "Settings" and search for "INR Diary" at the bottom. In the settings of the app, click on "Push notifications" and enable the notifications for the app with the sliders.
  4. If the notification is still not working you're probably on a recent Android version that has battery optimization enabled, which causes notifications to be delayed or suspended, except when you allow special access. Please follow the instructions on this page to fix the issue.

Should notifications still not work for you, please contact us to help you solve the problem.


How to I transfer data to another phone?

You can easily export data by using the "Share" option in the doses and INR overview screens of the phone you want to export from. You can e.g. email these data files to your personal email and download them on your new phone. Similarly, import data by using the "Import" option in the respective screens on your new phone.


Where is my data stored?

Dose and INR data is only stored on your private device. No data is exported/synced to the cloud, to Apple Health or Google Fit or any other external systems.

Use the "Share" function from the "Doses" and "INR Measurements" screens to export dose and INR data to a wide range of media, such as email, device storage, Google Drive, ...


How can I report data to my therapist?

Currently, INR Diary has no report functionality aboard. However, you can use the "Share" option in the doses and INR overview screens to generate an export file with all data and send these data to other people, e.g. by mail.


Can I import data from another app / a handwritten diary?

Yes, this is possible through the import functionality of the app. Import files need to be in CSV (comma separated value) format (with .csv extension) and should contain the following type of data:

  • Dose import files: dose date (in yyyy-mm-dd format), dose value (decimal), dose confirmation time (hh:mm)
  • INR import files: INR date (in yyyy-mm-dd format), INR value (decimal), INR remark (optional, text)

Please click on the links above to see samples of these files. Please contact us if this doesn't work for you.


I have discovered a bug in your app

Aww that's not good :-( Please let us know what the problem is using the contact form below. We usually answer emails within 1-2 business days. Most bugs that were discovered by users were fixed within a week. Thank you for your understanding!

More questions?

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We’d love to hear from you. Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.